sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

My Last Vacation...

In my last vacation I went to Argentina, where he met many very nice places. First I went to the Japanese garden which is a very quiet place where there are also restaurants, nurseries and a gallery with many paintings. Then I went to a town called the Tiger where there are a fabulous amusement park, craft shops and you can take a ride on a boat. I went to several zoos that a liked a lot beceuse the animals can be free. I went to Uruguay to a town that is visited by tourists which is called Colonia del Sacramento I liked a lot because it has many shops and beautiful landscapes. And finally in Buenos Aires I went to several large shopping centers where you can find many things.

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

Like and Dislike...

  • I like to listen romantics songs.
  • I like to chat with friends.
  • I like to stay with family in holidays.
  • I like to watch TV.
  • I like to sleep in the afternoon.
Don´t Like.
  • I don´t like rap music.
  • I don´t like go to the school.
  • I don´t like stay away without my family.
  • I don´t like to read a books.
  • I don´t like early get up.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011

10 oraciones usando los adverbios de frecuencia.

Realiza 10 oraciones utilizando los adverbios de frecuencia, en cosas que hagas en tu rutina diaria.

  • I always brush my teeth.
  • I usually go to the bathroom.
  • I usually get up at six o´clock am.
  • I sometimes go to the cinema.
  • I often go to the shopping center.
  • I always go to the school early.
  • I never play volleyball.
  • I usually do the homeworks in the afternoon.
  • I usualley chat with my friends.
  • I often sleep at ten o´clock pm.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

My Daily Routine.

I get up at six o´clock am, then breakfast and get ready for school. I see class from seven to the quarter to one, after I get home, lunch and sleep. Then get up to do my homework and watch TV. Later I have dinner, chat with friends and go back to sleep until the next day.

Sentences with following verbs,,,

  • Start.
  • Get up.
  • Watch TV.
  • Go.
  • Brush.
  • Take.
  • Play.
  • Drink.
  • Study.
  • Have.

  • I go to the school.
  • I get up at six o´clock am.
  • I watch TV in the home.
  • I drink orange juice in the morning.
  • He plays baseball in the afternoon.
  • She have breakfast in the morning.
  • She will brush her hair.
  • I am study English.
  • She start a study math.
  • He take a book.

sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Sentences with "there is", "there are", "there was" and "there were".

Realizar 5 oraciones con "there is", "there are", "there was" y "there were", luego pasarlas a preguntas y contestar en forma positiva y negativa.

S = Sentences.
Q = Question.
PA= Positive Answer.
NA = Negative Answer.

Sentences with "There is":

S = There is some supermarket near.
Q = Is there some supermarket near?
PA = Yes, there is some supermarket near.
NA = No, there isn´t some supermarket near.

S = There is packet of sugar.
Q = Is there packet of sugar?
PA = Yes, there is packet of sugar.
NA = No, there isn´t packet of sugar.

S = There is bottle of orange juice in the kitchen.
Q = Is there bottle of orange juice in the kitchen?
PA = Yes, there is bottle of orange juice in the kitchen.
NA = No, there isn´t bottle of orange juice in the kitchen.

S = There is many store of clothing in the shopping center.
Q = Is there many store of clothing in the shopping center?
PA = Yes, there is many store of clothing in the shopping center.
NA = No, there isn´t many store of clothing in the shopping center.

S = There is beautiful blouse in the store.
Q = Is there beautiful blouse in the store?
PA = Yes, there is beautiful blouse in the store.
NA = No, there isn´t beautiful blouse in the store.

Sentences with "There are":

S = There are six packs of flour in the kitchen.
Q = Are there six packs of flour in the kitchen?
PA = Yes, there are six packs of flour in the kitchen.
NA = No, there aren´t six packs of flour in the kitchen.

S = There are a big parks in the city.
Q = Are there a big parks in the city?
PA = Yes, there are a big parks in the city.
NA = No, there aren´t a big parks in the city.

S = There are many trees in the country.
Q = Are there many trees in the country?
PA = Yes, there are many trees in the country.
NA = No, there aren´t many trees in the country.

S = There are purple flowers in the park.
Q = Are there purple flowers in the park?
PA = Yes, there are purple flowers in the park.
NA = No, there aren´t purple flowers in the park.

S = There are a bank near pharmacy.
Q = Are there are a bank near pharmacy?
PA = Yes, there are a bank near pharmacy.
NA = No, there aren´t a bank near pharmacy.

Sentences with " There was":

S = There was much flour in the supermarket.
Q = Was there much flour in the supermarket?
PA = Yes, there was much flour in the supermarket.
NA = No, there wasn´t much flour in the supermarket.

S = There was a big stadium near.
Q = Was there a big stadium near?
PA = Yes, there was a big stadium near.
NA = No, there wasn´t a big stadium near.

S = There was a cake in the refrigerator.
Q = Was there a cake in the refrigerator?
PA = Yes, there was a cake in the refrigerator.
NA = No, there wasn´t a cake in the refrigerator.

S = There was hamburger stand near.
Q = Was there hamburger stand near?
PA = Yes, there was hamburger stand near.
NA = No. there wasn´t hamburger stand near.

S = There was some water in the bottle.
Q = Was there somewater in the bottle?
PA = Yes, there was some water in the bottle.
NA = No, there wasn´t some water in the bottle.

Sentences with "There were":

S = There were many books of biology in the library.
Q = Were there many books of biology in the library?
PA = Yes, there were many books of biology in the library.
NA = No, there weren´t many books of biology in the library.

S = There were restaurants in front of shopping center.
Q = Were there restaurants in front of shopping center?
PA = Yes, there were restaurants in front of shopping center.
NA = No, there weren´t restaurants in front of shopping center.

S = There were many cinemas in the city.
Q = Were there many cinemas in the city?
PA = Yes, there were many cinemas in the city.
NA = No, there weren´t many cinemas in the city.

S = There were eight books on the desk.
Q = Were there eight books on the desk?
PA = Yes, there were eight books on the desk.
NA = No, there weren´t eight books on the desk.

S = There were computers on the desk.
Q = Were there computers on the desk?
PA = Yes, there were computers on the desk.
NA = No, there weren´t computers on the desk.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Sentences with "there was" and "there were".

5 Sentences with "There was".
5 Sentences with "There were".

"There was".

  • There was a book on the desk.
  • There was much flour in the supermarket.
  • There was a bank in the shopping center.
  • There was a stadium behind the bank.
  • There was a big cinema near shopping center.
"There were".

  • There were many books in the library.
  • There were a ten apples in the kitchen.
  • There were many bowling in the city.
  • There were a big parks in the country.
  • There were many supermarkets in the shopping center.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011


  • 10 Sentences with "There are".
  • 10 Sentences with "There is".
  • 5 Sentences with "Any".
  • 5 Sentences with "Some".
  • 5 Sentences with "Many".
  • 5 Sentences with "Much".
Sentences with "There are":

  • There are many cinemas in the shopping center.
  • There are much flour in the supermarket.
  • There are six eggs in the refrigerator.
  • There are four windows in school.
  • There aren´t any biology books in the library.
  • There are two apples in the basket.
  • There are many parks in the city.
  • There are some banks in the shopping center.
  • There are many city in the country.
  • There are eight dogs in the park.
Sentences with "There is":

  • There isn´t any money in the trousers.
  • There is much cheese in the kitchen.
  • There is many beatiful clothes in the shopping center.
  • There isn´t any orange juice in the refrigerator.
  • There is some fruit in the dining room.
  • There is many bank in the city.
  • There isn´t any packet of flour.
  • There is some milk in the refrigerator.
  • There is much salt in the kitchen.
  • There isn´t any vegetable in the supermarket.
Sentences with "some":

  • There is some honey in the bottle.
  • There is some sugar in the small bottle.
Sentences with "much":

  • There are much water in the ocean.
  • There are much air in the living room.

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

Normas del Buen Hablante y del Buen Oyente.

Normas del Hablante
  • Expresarse de forma clara y sencilla.
  • Mirar a las personas con quien se habla.
  • Utilizar un tono de voz adecuado.
  • Pronunciar correctamente las palabras.
  • Ser amable al hablar.
  • Dejar hablar a los demás cuando tengan una idea que quieran expresar.
Normas del Oyente
  • Mirar a los ojos al hablante.
  • Escuchar atentamente al hablante.
  • No interrumpir al hablante.
  • Hablar cuando ya la otra persona haya terminado de expresar su idea.
Fuente: http://veneaprende.realbb.net/t2-normas-del-buen-hablante-y-del-buen-oyente  y http://albenys.wordpress.com/2008/04/07/normas-del-hablante-y-oyente

Evaluation Plan.

  • T.P.A. 25%
  • T.P.A. 25%
  • Virtual Blog 25%
  • Film Analysis 25%